Plants get to start over every year. It doesn't matter that the aphids ate holes in their leaves or mildew consumed them, they reemerge, all new and perfect each spring.
The Amelanchiers are blooming. Each tree will become ladened with the small blue berries that are so alluring that red-headed woodpeckers, cardinals and orioles risk the exposure of leaving the hedgerows of the farm to consume them. Right now the bees are swarming around blossoms clamoring for the first of the season's nectar.
The fields are getting groomed. Tractors pull the disks and plows behind turning under the cover crop left on the field last winter, and exposing the underbelly of ground and root mass. It is dark and reddish brown and now so perfectly preened. The corn will soon be planted and start its procession to harvest. Poor Zoƫ has lost her mountains of chicken litter that she loved to climb.
We have had a Coopers Hawk(identification by my friend Nels) stalking prey in the yard close to the house. Some of the chased end up flying into our front window wall, ending the hunt, netting the hawk a catch. It is a brutal event, necessary for it's survival, but an amazing sight to witness.
That would be amazing to see something like that hawk chase so close. It's trying so hard to be Spring here, but with the snow last weekend and the gloomy days since, it hasn't had a chance. The tulips have grown heads, but they seem to be waiting to open until the coast is clear. Did I tell you I love all your photos? Well, I do.