Light grey, but definitely a grey day. There has been rain through the night, and it is off and on now. Doesn't seem to be bothering the Guinea Hens foraging about in the edges of the wheat field.
This morning's walk was uneventful until we were coming to the end of the hedge row about to cross over to the lane and back down to the house. I am not sure who became aware of them first, but there in the woods by the stream I spotted the albino Turkey hen, at about the same time Zoë threw herself over the ridge bounding down the ravine. As soon as my eye focused on her, the movement of other turkeys caught my attention. Zoë's chase sends them running, jakes, toms and hens alike, until she gets to close. This is the point they take to the air, sailing overhead and out into the field. Further ahead more emerge from the edge, traversing the field towards the pond, 12,16, no 20 trot gracefully, very unlike their fat domestic cousins.
There was a Red Tail Hawk, sitting in one of the Gingko that line the lane, perusing the fields for prey. He will be a permanent fixture on one or the other of these trees until winter comes again.
I love all the pictures of your garden and the stories of you wildlife encounters. I wish I could transport myself there and visit for a few hours. I really will have to take some time off work to visit during the summer when Jacob is there. Love you.