They want to go walk now! No more coffee, or New York Times, right now. They poke their noses into my lap, under my fingers, sit in front of me and stare. Alright! Out the door they scramble when I finally manage to get all the shoes,socks, sweaters and coats arranged. It is raining, lightly. Grey but not to cold. We take off down the lane, scuffling back and forth with each other, Jake chasing Zoe, Zoe leaping to tackle Jake. I need to watch carefully that they do not hit me from behind as they have done so many times, sending my feet to the air and my backside to the ground.
The wheat fields, now verdant from the rains that came down while I was away, have grown inches.
I finish the walk with a look around the garden to see what has bloomed or broken ground. As I examine the Pinus densiformus "Dragon's Eye", a Downy Woodpecker is not more than 6 feet away pecking hardily on the stem of last season's cattail, odd he is so bold. The little purple and white violets on the south slope are opening. They will provide color there most of the year. The apricots are blooming too. Most like to early, they will surely be nipped by frost.
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