We may not be completely finished with the winter weather yet, but somehow that doesn't seem to matter when the air is warm and the sun is bright. Spectacular is all I can say for the the state of the outside world as we made our way around to explore the farm this morning. Lots of new discoveries. There is is a second Eagles nest being built in the woods, about 100 yards from the first. It is much smaller. We 4 were back in woods by the older nest this morning when a adult Eagle flew overhead and called an alarm He then settled in a tree not to far from the old nest waiting for us to leave. Next the skunk cabbage(Symplocarpus Foetidus) is in bloom, and that is a real indicator of warm weather to come. There is also an abundance of fungi growing, helped this spring by all of the moisture we have had. The crocus and early daffodils are bursting into bloom along the walkway.There is also evidence of the 1000 tulip and daffodil bulbs, I planted last fall, erupting through the soil. Now that is going to be something when that blooms. There are other little things starting to polk through the surface, but most prevalent are the weeds. Today will mark the official beginning of the war, for this year, against the pesky weed population. The task will put me outside in this glorious weather, which will make the work easier.
Beautiful pictures. I am assuming they were taken with your new camera.
ReplyDelete1000 - wow! Yes, the war is on completely here as well. Saturday, Jacob came to work and he cleaned off my entire hill in back - cut the noxious wild blackberry as we do every year and captured by pulling it up through little plastic shopping bags so we can continue to spray it with poison as the season goes on. This battle has been going on for 14 years. We are determined to win! Yeah right