I know it is all good, but the constant rain is getting old. This is a warm spring rain, as opposed to a cold windy(frozen) moisture, but it still dampens the spirits.
My Edgeworthia chrysantha, in the best bloom of it's life, which started about 3 weeks ago and is now completely and utterly glorious. The blossoms have the sweetest scent that pulls your attention to beautifully arranged florets as you pass by.
The Killdeer are now officially parents in waiting. We have a pair of the screamers nested under the bench by the fishpond(4 eggs) and another pair in the east garden under one of the newly planted Birches(4eggs). Parker gives them no rest. He thinks they are great fun to chase as they scurry away to get him directed from their eggs. They are very successful, but he soon loses interest in the chase and is off to other adventures.
Our walk this morning was punctuated with the Fox passing very close by in the field, which sent Zoe on a mad dash to catch her nemesis. She really tries her darnedest, but her legs can not carry her quite as fast as the nimble little fox. She catches up to the group, as we move around the edge of the farm,having given up on the chase, with tongue out and breathless.
The Robins are here in great abundance, and I know I will be cleaning nests out of nooks and crannies, trying to redirect them to safer ground. Some will get by me and we will have to see about protecting them until they can hatch those little blue eggs and fledge their young.
Those are pretty little birds. It must be neat to be able to observe nature like that all the time and to be so close to it.
ReplyDeleteWow, your new camera takes beautiful, clear pictures. Love them.
ReplyDeleteMegan I had the same reaction when I first found out about the Killdeer, but then I had to weed around one of those nest and I can tell you those birds become a great annoyance ( Janet you Know what I mean right :) Anyhow Janet I wanted to let you know that we now have a cherry tomato plant and we planted some basil seeds.