The rains have once again left us with light wind and sun. Rain is not alone in leaving. My sister and two nieces have gone back to their homes as well after a week long visit to the farm. The house is quiet, no chatter from the sisters both the old and the young. The conversation between my sister and I is filling in the blanks since last we saw each other. The young sisters back and forth is in their own language with references to people I don't know and words used in context that I do not understand. It is fascinating, and I don't mind not knowing everything they say, it is enough to have the words waft about with a feeling it is bathed in the love they have for each other. They step back into our world and have great stories to tell about the adventures they have had and will have. They poke about the farm and experience it in a new way and I get to watch and get a glimpse into the farm as they see it. I miss all of them and so, also, do Zoe and Parker.
On the walk this morning we flushed the hen turkey and I saw little chicks scatter. They are so tiny, they are not flying, and we will avoid that stretch of the walk until they have the ability to fly out of harms way.
The young Eagles are still hanging out close to the nest in between flights and food is still being ferried into to them. The parents must be getting tired.
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