The day came for Puppy #2 to make his way to Puck's Glen Farm. With a face that makes you want to smoother him in kisses, he is the cutest little bundle. Gladly running after you as you walk down the lane, hopping, tumbling, and rolling in the grass. The morning dew has settled in, and he is very shortly soaking wet. That does not seem to stop his romp. Jake is indifferent, the pup sensing this keeps his distance, although the few times the puppy runs in between Jakes legs, there is no response from the big guy. Zoe has become the the target of the puppies play. Scampering in and out of her legs, jumping up to play with her ear. Zoe is not sure yet, and occasionally warns him off with a growl, she also engages in a little play with him. The beginnings of a friendship?
It is not all cute and adorable. There is the need for constant supervision, the whining for attention, and the trips outside in the middle of the night for puppy peeing. Part of the "joys" of raising a puppy
Parker will grow up fast, take his place in the pack, and settle into this house which is now his own.
He is so cute! Has he been groomed to look like that or do poodle puppies naturally have that smooth snout and curly-top head?