Friday, September 25, 2009


The rain was little more than a mist this morning as I hustled Parker out for morning relief. The ground was wet, and there was a slight coolness emanating from the North. Later the sun came out and it was warm. That is the rhythm of the weather now, some rain, cool then warm, sunshine and clouds.
I am sad to report that the tomato harvest is dropping off rapidly, the combination of shorter days, rain and cooler night temperatures is closing off that portion of the garden. I have replanted the lettuce beds for fall and winter harvest of greens, I am ready to also plant the garlic for spring harvest, and I see that cilantro that self seeded in the early summer is starting to grow, as are the larkspur. Some of the hydrangeas have missed the fact that winter is coming, producing new bloom just when they should be finished.
The little wren that skulks around in the garden every fall is here, the humming-
birds are not. I spotted a Palm Warbler in the back garden when I was sitting out on the deck with the dogs, along with a Blue Grosbeak.
The Eagles are into lots of activity in the woods by the river. They always take the opportunity this time of year to refurbish their nest for the arrival of the eggs in the winter. All manner of stick and twig are being moved in.
It is a beautiful time of year here on the farm. The stalks of corn are drying and rustle in the wind, some of the field has been harvested, leaving behind the stubble which opens up the views to the edge of the woods where there is the beginnings of a touch of color developing. The soybeans are still lush and green, but they are full of pods, and finished with the production of new ones. The process of drying is going to start.
I was sitting very still in the red chairs of wooded garden I have planted out the back door. A Kestrel must have missed spotting me and flew to sit on the hammock right in front of my chair. Just as quickly he realized his mistake and flew. It was great for that one moment to be eye to eye with one of my favorite birds. I am not sure who was more shocked.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The day came for Puppy #2 to make his way to Puck's Glen Farm. With a face that makes you want to smoother him in kisses, he is the cutest little bundle. Gladly running after you as you walk down the lane, hopping, tumbling, and rolling in the grass. The morning dew has settled in, and he is very shortly soaking wet. That does not seem to stop his romp. Jake is indifferent, the pup sensing this keeps his distance, although the few times the puppy runs in between Jakes legs, there is no response from the big guy. Zoe has become the the target of the puppies play. Scampering in and out of her legs, jumping up to play with her ear. Zoe is not sure yet, and occasionally warns him off with a growl, she also engages in a little play with him. The beginnings of a friendship?
It is not all cute and adorable. There is the need for constant supervision, the whining for attention, and the trips outside in the middle of the night for puppy peeing. Part of the "joys" of raising a puppy
Parker will grow up fast, take his place in the pack, and settle into this house which is now his own.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


There was a slight wind from the Northeast that rustled the dry cornstalks as we started down the lane this morning for our walk. This is the first morning since spring that I grabbed a sweater to protect my arms from the chill. The grass was saturated with moisture from the condensation. The sky was clear blue. Fall. I know this from many signs I see, but the angle of the suns light in the morning says it all.