I guess I have been out in the garden working, and not in the house blogging.
Work is moving forward at a fast a furious pace, now that I have reinforcements. Jacob(my nephew) has arrived to help out on the farm and in the garden for a couple of months. There will be more about him later, but one note, Jake my beloved boy now considers me only if Jacob is not in the vicinity. When we picked Jacob up at the airport, Jake and Zoe acted as if they were receiving the King back into their myst.
The Peonies are starting to bloom, with the rain yesterday their big buds started pulling the plant to the ground, a few blossom removed, they were upright again with the kitchen being the beneficiary.
The Killdeer couple on the walkway has successfully hatched all 4 eggs. The little chicks were out of the nest, running around on the lower driveway within 12 hrs. of leaving their shells, tucking back in under their parent when they were cold and tired, then off to the races again. It served as great entertainment as we sat out on the patio at days end. This morning as the poodles and I left for our walk, we scattered all of them much to the consternation of the parents. One very small chick was scurrying through the wet grass with great difficulty. I carefully picked him up depositing his fuzzy little body back onto the more easily traversed drive, and then we were on our way.
Hi Janet, I haven't checked in on your blog for quite some time and it is so beautiful! I love all of your photos and your stories. What a peaceful life you live out there in the country. I hope I can visit someday. I can just picture those little chicks darting around. Wow, thanks for linking my singing website! I love the internet. My daily blog is called "Mormon Soprano". (linked from my signature) I'm also on Twitter and Facebook. So, if you create an account be sure to "friend me". So nice to hear your voice a few days ago, even though the circumstances were not the most ideal. It was so special for me to be able to spend one on one time with Grandpa. He was hilarious - flirting with all the nurses and joking around. I knew he was going to be ok - but glad he is safely home. Say hi to Jacob, Frank and the doggies from me. :) Love, Holly