The Soybeans are rapidly filling in the bare ground left with the harvest of the wheat. A small band of geese are starting to inhabit the field and ponds. The corn is starting to tassel, and has grown tall and green. Tomatoes are ripening. All of this points to the march of time through the summer towards fall. It is amazing to observe the changes in the fields and garden with time. The cone flowers are completely open and starting to go to seed, I know because the goldfinches are abundant. The brilliant orange tiger lilies (Cynthia's lilies) are 5 feet tall and opening blossoms slowly towards the top. The grasses are shooting up about to extend their flowers into the air as well. It has been dry, and even with the irrigation that I have put in it is still not as good as a real rain. Perhaps soon. Butterflies are becoming more abundant, skipping around here and there, from Vitex to the butterfly bush.
I rescued a little baby hummingbird off the hot stone of the patio, dipped him under a mister in the garden a few times and left him sitting on limb of the maple tree in the shade. When I returned and lifted him up he spread his wings and flew up high over the pear trees by the pool, hope he made it home.